Are you interested in Law? Here at Ellis Law Offices we do take interns! We have had interns from high school and college! Providing opportunities for our youth is something we take pride in. We would love to schedule you for an interview! Here are a few statements from our past interns:
Hayden Laschanzky – Internships: Summer 2022 & Summer 2024: My name is Hayden Laschanzky and I attend the University of Pennsylvania where I study Finance and Business Analytics. I have had the opportunity to work at Ellis Law Offices the summers of 2022 and 2024. Each time I was here I had the chance to learn and grow with a team of extremely supportive and smart individuals. During my time with the firm, I got to do just about everything: from working on client files, drafting documents, and even organizing the office – there truly was never a dull moment.
While I am not planning on pursuing law in my future, I learned many skills that will be applicable throughout the rest of my college journey and future career. The soft skills that I learned – problem solving, teamwork, adaptability – can be useful for any situation I’m in that requires strong communication and interpersonal skills.
My favorite part of working at Ellis was most definitely the people. Working on a team of hard-working, talented individuals kept me accountable and encouraged me to bring my best self to work every day. Seeing the devotion everyone here has for the work they do inspires me to look for a similar culture in my future workplace.
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such an amazing team, and I am excited to see how Ellis Law Offices will continue to make a difference in our community!
Brooklynn Ecklin – Internship: January 2024 – Present: My name is Brooklynn Ecklin and I attend Simpson College where I have a double major in Criminal Justice and Human Services. Through Simpson and my major, I was required to get an internship with the minimum of 120 hours. I reached out to Ellis Law Offices and Kenzie called me to set up an interview. During my interview, I expressed how I want to go on to law school after Simpson. Kenzie expressed to me how she would love to help me through the process. I knew after that interview and speaking with Ryan and Kenzie that I wanted to work for them.
At ELO, the attorneys really strive to make sure you are learning while working. The biggest lesson I have learned while working at Ellis Law Offices is to stay curious and motivated in what you are doing… “Why am I drafting this letter? Why does this case need a notice filed with it?” The legal team pushes you to be the best you can be and helps you engage in your creative side.
I enjoyed my internship with Ellis Law Offices so much that I ended up getting an apartment and working with them for the summer! With my double major, I am required to have another internship and was excited to stay and continue my educational journey at ELO. At Ellis Law Offices, everyone has a role and no task is not important!