When are you required to stop for a school bus?  

If you’re on a 2 or 3 lane roadway…  

If you’re approaching the bus from behind, you must stop when you see the flashing red or amber warning lights. This stop must be no closer than 15 feet from the rear of the school bus. You must remain stopped until the stop arm is fully retracted, and the bus begins to move.  

If you’re approaching the bus from the front, you must slow your vehicle to 20 mph or below and be prepared to come to a complete stop when the amber warning lights are flashing. If the stop arm is extended, you must stop your vehicle and remain stopped until the arm has been retracted again.

If you’re in a roadway with 2 or more lanes in either direction…  

If you’re approaching the bus from behind, it is the same rules as on a 2 or 3 lane roadway. You must stop when you see the flashing red or amber warning lights, this stop must be no closer than 15 feet from the rear of the school bus, and you must remain stopped until the stop arm is fully retracted, and the bus begins to move. 

If you’re approaching the bus from the front and you are in one of the opposite two or more lanes, you do not need to stop, even if the bus’s lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended. This is the only time you may pass a school bus that has stopped and has its stop arm extended. 

What happens if I pass a school bus with the amber lights on or the stop arm extended?  

In March of 2012, Iowa Governer Terry Branstad signed into law Senate File 2218, the “Keep Aware Driving — Youth Need School Safety Act,” often referred to as “Kadyn’s Law.” This law increased criminal penalties and administrative sanctions, if convicted. It is considered a serious moving violation.  


  • A criminal citation in violation of Iowa Code 321.372(5)(b)(2), a Serious Misdemeanor; 
  • A fine of at least $345, but no more than $930;  
  • Up to 30 days of imprisonment, in lieu of or in addition to the fine; and 
  • The Iowa Department of Transportation will impose a 30-day suspension* 
  • *In lieu of the suspension, you may have the opportunity to complete a driver improvement program upon request.   



  • A criminal citation in violation of Iowa Code 321.372(5)(b)(2), a Serious Misdemeanor; 
  • A fine of at least $430, but no more than $2,560; 
  • Imprisonment not to exceed one year, at the Court’s discretion; and  
  • A 90-day suspension for driving privileges with the Iowa Department of Transportation.  


  • A criminal citation in violation of Iowa Code 321.372(5)(b)(2), a Serious Misdemeanor; 
  • A fine of at least $430, but not exceeding $2,560 
  •  Imprisonment of up to one year, at the Court’s discretion; and  
  •  A 180-day suspension to your driving privileges with the Iowa Department of Transportation. 

If the violation results in injury, you will also have additional penalties regardless of how many prior offenses you have. You would have an additional fine of $500.00 and the court may order the Department of Transportation to suspend your driving privileges for a period of 90 days in place of or in addition to the fine.  

If the violation results in a death or serious injury, you may be subject to other violations of the Iowa Code, such as homicide or serious injury by vehicle, both of which are felonies. These crimes carry much more serious penalties.  

In general, always use caution when approaching a school bus or in a school zone and have a safe and fun school year from Ellis Law! If you or someone you know needs legal help, please contact our office at (515) 962-9080.  

Ryan Ellis